Thursday, August 20, 2015

Wake Up With Determination

I set my alarm this morning for 6:20am and was out of bed and on my yoga mat by 6:30. I did a 25 minute yoga practice and it was a wonderful way to start my day. I am going to start getting up early again. I did this briefly and it was very rewarding. I had more energy in the morning and was less dependent on caffeine to get my day going. I'll opening admit, caffeine is my drug of choice. But by waking up and working out for even 15-20 minutes, I start my day with a purpose.

I hate feeling rushed. I feel rushed even when I'm not being rushed. In the morning Mike will be quietly and patiently sitting around while I am getting ready to go. Even though he is uninterested in me and my pace of getting out the door I feel an overwhelming pressure.  So for me to get up extra early at 6:20am and workout, shower and get ready for the day gives me the feeling that I am in control and allows me to start my day at my own pace. The alternative is  waking up with just enough time to move from one task to the next before rushing out of the door.

I have always admired morning people. I attribute being a morning person and especially exercising in the morning with having your sh*t together. I have never been a "morning person", its just not who I am. Its a personality trait that i've owned and worn well. Ive often felt like I was being resurrected from the dead when pulling myself out of bed and unfairly been angry with people who disrupt my sleep and wake me up in the morning. However the tasks of life I have also require that I wake up early.  In college despite the ability to schedule classes to start at 12pm or later I usually elected early 8am classes so I would be able to still work in the afternoons. Over the years I have gotten better and more accustomed to waking up early.  I am also proud of the fact that I have also immensely improved with tardiness and I now consider myself to be a reliable person who can be counted on to arrive on time to work and appointments. I think these two things go hand in hand and are a basic part of being a well balance adult.

For  some time now I have wanted to become a person who gets up early and who works out in the morning. Particularly, I want to continue this trend when I get back to the states to add structure and control to my days. Being home with family with no job will mean that I am pulled in many different directions. Between spending time at my sisters house, my aunt and uncles, friends and helping my aunt at her shop its easy for me to feel like I am being pulled all over the place. This type of lack of structure has always caused me stress and made it difficult for me to be productive. If I am going to want to continue my workout routine and apply to jobs while not neglecting my friend and family I will need to create structure during this transition period. I think waking up early at the same time will help provide that!

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